Doula is a person who provides non-medical care for mothers during and immediately after birth.
- Recognizes birth as a significant life experience.
- Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a laboring woman.
- Provides continuous support, practrical comfort measures, and an objective viewpoint to aid in decision-making.
- Complements the care provided by the woman's partner and birth attendants.
- Protects and nurtures the memory of the birth experience.
Recent studies indicate the use of a doula:
- Decreases labor length by 25 percent.
- Decreases oxytocin use by 25 percent.
- Decreases mother's request for pain medication by 30 percent.
- Decreases cesareans by 50 percent.
- Increases father's participation level.

The course took place during from 26th April to 28th April 2012 in Royale Hayat Hospital. This course was designed and was presented by Kristi Ridd-Young, an experienced midwife, doula, and childbirth educator. She is currently the President of the Midwives College of Utah and former DONA Administrative Director and board member. During her 19 years of teaching, Kristi has facilitated many doula trainings throughout the USA. She has been invaluable in helping many expectant mothers and their partners develop skills and the inner strength neeed to experience a positive birth. As a caring, compassionate doula, she has atteneded over 250 women. Kristi has been mentored by many of the leading experts in the field of childbirth, but most of all, she credits her six children and seven stepchildren for much of the wisdom and knowledge she shares.
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