Source: SAGE journals
This study proved traces of TRAIL ( known anti-cancer agent) in human breast milk
" To our knowledge, this is the first time that TRAIL has
been measured in colostrum and human breast milk. This
study has revealed much higher TRAIL concentrations in
colostrum and breast milk compared to the levels of circulating
serum TRAIL. Although previous studies have
shown that breast cells express TRAIL,
it was unexpected
that the mean level of soluble TRAIL detected in colostrum
reached 48.6 ng/mL, approximately 2-fold higher than the level
previously reported in the conjunctival sac fluid
approximately 40-fold greater than the level measured in
human saliva,
and > 400-fold greater than the level found
in human serum. Although we observed a significant
decline in levels of TRAIL in human breast milk measured
at day 4 or 5, these concentrations were still much higher
than those usually found in human serum/plasma and were
in the range of concentrations that are able to kill cancer